Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hell's Kitchen

Ok, who saw "Hell's Kitchen" on Monday night? If nasty things makes you sick, don't continue reading this blog.
I can't believe that anyone who is trying to win a cooking competition, would take food out of the garbage, wash it off, and then put the food in a pot thinking that that would kill the germs so that the food could be served to a human.
Oh Rats! I wonder if that happens in real restaurant kitchens?
That will be the first thing I think about the next time I go out to eat. Was that pasta freshly made or was it just picked out of the garbage?
And by the way, spoiled seafood will smell up a kitchen from here to South Boston, Virginia. It's one thing that Joanne didn't smell it, but did everyone in the kitchen have a stuffed up nose?

1 comment:

Moofasa502 said...

I could smell that seafood through my TV set. And the great spaghetti incident! And I thought it was gross when "Big Tom" sweated in the food last year. Makes me wonder how Hell's Kitchen stays in business, unless the producers are contributing. I loved how Julia took charge during the breakfast service.